I’d love it if you’d join me
Hi, my name’s Nicki, a bestselling children’s author who has published five (soon to be 6!) in a ‘wickedly funny and wildly original haunted whodunit’ crime fiction series.
Writing is a journey and all journeys are best done in good company, so I’d love you to join me and be part of my writing community.
More about me
I am a bestselling author who has published five in a ‘wickedly funny and wildly original haunted whodunit’ ( - Waterstones) crime fiction series for children.
My debut middle-grade fantasy crime fiction thriller The Last Chance Hotel won the Times Children’s Fiction Prize and was nominated for awards including the Carnegie Medal, the CrimeFest Best Crime Novel for Children and Specsavers National Book Awards.
My books have been translated into 15 different languages, and my sixth book, The Floating Witch, will be published in January 2024.
I have been describe by Waterstones as ‘one of the most original children’s writers around’.
My debut was Waterstones’ book of the month and it was followed by two others in the same series plus a spin-off magical mystery series set in the same world.
My books have sold in 15 countries.
I ran my own independent bookshop for more than ten years and I’m a big supporter of anything that promotes reading for pleasure. I adore crime fiction and more people of all ages should read it!
I have always adored crime fiction and was inspired to write a detective series with a magical twist while running my bookshop as I wanted a fun way to introduce young readers to the genre.
I also write crime for grown ups so you can find out more about that writing journey right here.
What my Substack is about
I have called this Substack ‘Making Crime Pay’ because I adore books, but particularly crime fiction.
I share some of the behind-the-scenes aspects of writing, getting and being published.
How do authors really write books? What is it like having an editor and publisher?
I shall be offering writing tips and prompts - and if you’d like to become a paid subscriber I will also offer to read your work and some book doctor feedback.
I shall be sharing what I am reading. I’m hoping you’ll find it all interesting, entertaining, but also useful - and I would love you to get involved. Leave a comment, get in touch, tell me more of what you like and what you want to see. My basic notes are free, but if you can support me with a paid subscription, there are extra benefits for doing so (more details below)!
What do free subscribers get?
As a free subscriber, you’ll get regular updates about me, my writing, what I am reading (I ran my own bookshop for more than 10 years so I really do read and love a lot of books!) I shall be offering tips and advice about writing. I’ll share some of the books I love that inspire me.
I also plan to invite other authors over to share their insights because we all have so much to learn from each other.
If you like what I’m sharing, please consider becoming a subscriber and getting more involved.
What do paid subscribers get?
As a paid subscriber, you’ll get access to exclusive additional content, much more deep-dive writing advice, and (depending on the level of support) the chance for me to critique your writing!
I will share my thoughts on different stages of my publishing journey as it is very much a journey with its ups and downs. I’m sure from the outside many people think of it as a path that moves forwards, but someone described it to me as more like a game of snakes and ladders and that is so much closer to the truth!
People don’t always talk about the snakes, but knowing they are there I think can help you feel less like somehow you are doing this whole writing thing ‘wrong’. And avoid some of the pitfalls. This is why I also like to talk about well-being for creatives.
I shall share insider tips on how to make your writing better, take a professional approach and how you might become a published author. I also talk about some of the pros and cons of taking this particular path, of turning a writing hobby into a profession and trying to make it your livelihood.
How else you can support me
But you can support me in other ways. If you like my reviews and you want to read any of the books I talk about, if you can buy through my Bookshop.org affiliate page this also supports me (and independent bookshops get a share too!).
If you’d just like to support me with a one-off donation, you can do so using this PayPal link (Firefly Cage is my business name just so you know. Fun fact: Firefly Cage was the original name of The Last Chance Hotel!)
I give lots of talks in schools. I teach creative writing and I love to be invited to bookshops and book festivals. Please talk to me if you’d like me to be involved in any bookish events you are involved with.
Come and join me
Be part of a community that loves writing, crime fiction, bookselling and discovering great books! I’d love to welcome you to the club, and find out more about you :-)